How to use Cargo Load Planner API

With the help of the Cargo Load Planner API, you can connect it to your existing software. This includes in-house custom software, ERP systems, Excel, or any other tools you use. Please follow these below instructions to integrate Cargo Load Planner API.

Step 1: Activate Your Trial

Start your trial to use the Cargo Load Planner API by using the provided link. Enter your details such as username, email, and company name. Once you submit these details, an email containing your login password will be sent to the email address you provided

Link: Trial

Step 2: Generate API Key

To generate API first login into Cargo Load Planner.

cargo load planner login

Go to user profile : User Profile

Check the section of "Cargo Load Planner - API Keys, and use the + Add Row button to generate new key.

user profile api key generation

Once the key has generated you can copy it for your further usage.

user profile api key list

Step 3: Download Demo Program

From the link below you can download the demo program. It contains Javascript to use Cargo Load Planner API

Link: Download

Index.js file inside the demo program:

javascript program to use cargo load planner api

Index.html page, you need to copy your API key inside the text box and use Show Result Button.

html page of cargo load planner program for api

Step 4: Understand Result

Please check cargo load planner api documentation for understanding api response.

Link: Api documentation

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Link: Contact us